Monday, September 7, 2009

Wow, Talk About Tempting!

I've included a picture below of just the meat portion of what Christan & Craig served us tonight.  How is a guy supposed to stay strong when confronted with ribs, crab legs, Cheddarwurst, shrimp and filet mignon???  Dessert was cake, pie, and 3 kinds of ice cream.  At least I had Brendan kicking my butt today in racquetball AND making me run before he would even play me.  And I have hoops tomorrow, so that should help...


  1. You did really well honey, I had a hard time too and failed miserably. The good thing is that tomorrow is another day!

  2. The bounty of the table can be a Labor to resist. I think too i was a little wide on the "narrow" pie slice.

    You are doing very well in keeping up the excerise regiment.

  3. Jim,
    Portion control is the key. Do not deprive yourself of anything as it is a recipe for failure (pun intended). Remember, you did not put the weight on all at once, but a bite at a time. Start getting in the habit of A) Smaller portions and B) Not feeling like you need to clean your plate. One trick I used was getting a smaller plate. Sounds dumb, but it works. You are then forced to have smaller servings.

    As for being hungry - DON'T BE! If you are hungry, your body has slowed the metabolic rate down to starvation speed. Keep your metabolism up by having more frequent (every 2-3 hours) snack sized meals. Doing this will keep you rate up and help you burn more fat. It will also reduce the crankiness that sometimes comes with your lifestyle change (not a diet).

    Please keep the updates coming - we are all behind you!

  4. I agree with the moderation approach to dieting instead of making things off limits. The physiology and bioenergetics research supports this type of weight loss too. Just keep it simple - calories burned have to be more than calories in to lose weight, regardless of where they come from. It's hard to consume too many calories of salad and veggies (as long as you pay attention to dressings and add-ins!). Hope today is going well for you!

  5. You forgot the huge salad I made. You did an awesome job!!! Keep up the good work.
