Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hurting Tonight

Just played two hours of hoops with Nagle, Brendan, Thomas, Anil, etc.  The good Mr. Fegan was a last minute scratch.  Amazingly enough there were no injuries tonight, and no one hurled.  So it was a success!  I'm not sure I'll be able to do much at boot camp tomorrow night, but I'll be there.  Peggy is going to be bringing her calipers, so I guess I'll have humble pie for dessert tomorrow night...

Big shout out to my beloved Therese for being so supportive.  Although I do need to talk to her about loading up on frozen pizzas.  I know they were on sale, but come on. 

I found some old weight watchers books today.  (I've joined at least 3 times, maybe 4.)  My most recent one had my starting weight at 286 and in 4 weeks I was down to 272.  Then in week 5 I gained NINE pounds, and that was the last entry.  Gain 9 pounds and then quit.  That's how I [used to] roll.  But now that everyone is watching [as if!] I can't let a little backsliding torpedo the whole endeavor. 

Realistically, is anyone still reading this besides Peggy and Joan?  Should I just send them personal emails every day? 

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work Jim!! You're doing great! Awesome exercise! And you better be there tonight. Oh, and Peggy did her assessment on me yesterday- yes, very humbling for me, but very helpful too. And it will really be great to track your progress! Now if Peggy can just remove a few inches off my waist -oh how I am jealous of your wife's figure!! ;)
