Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Body Fat, Take 2

So Peggy used the calipers on me again tonight to double check the measurements from last week, and the result was a little lower, 27.8% instead of 29%.  So I'm getting a little excited thinking that my weight loss so far has translated into a slightly lower body fat percentage, and then she does the body measurements, and reality returns.  Using body measurements, my body fat percentage comes in at 34%, rather than 27.8%.  In Therese's kind words, the 34% is a little more "plausible."  Thanks, honey! 

But looking around on the Internet, it seems that the caliper method is considered to be more accurate, so I'm going to keep using those numbers.  (Also because they're lower!)  Tomorrow's my second weigh in, and then it's off to NY for a wedding this weekend.  At least I won't have to worry about eating while watching football this weekend since I'll be driving home on Sunday.

And because Brendan is such a good friend (or a Sadist, I'm not sure), he wants to work out early on Friday before I leave.  In anticipation of a six foot tall wedding cake the next day, I have agreed.


  1. Let's do it, can racquetball even be considered a workout? It's too much fun, plus the run before it is just to make sure you're warmed up. See you at 730 tomorrow.

  2. Sorry:( I'll keep my "kind words" to myself. You're doing awesome!
