Monday, September 21, 2009

Disappointed with myself

Went to a wedding this weekend in NY.  It was a great time, great food.  A lot of great food.  Specifically, a lot in my personal belly.  Then tonight at Olive Garden I had chicken carbonara.  Delicious, but I ate the whole thing.  I really need to start asking them to just bring out half of it and bring the other half already wrapped. 

Tomorrow's another day, but I'm not sure there are enough days between now and my usual Thursday morning weigh in to get below last week's weight.  Maybe it's time for some two-a-days...


  1. Don't be disappointed - get on your bike and ride - go for a run - add some extra workouts and you'll be just fine!

  2. Don't dwell on it - just pick yourself up and continue with good habits.

  3. Keep it up bro! Today is a new day!
