Monday, September 14, 2009

Does Running Get Easier?

I managed to get a run in this a.m. before it got too hot.  I went 3 miles and I know at some point this is going to get easier, but I sure hope it comes soon.  I'm dying out there, but then again, its like my 225 pound self from 3 years ago is jogging with a 60 pound pack on, so I guess that is hard on the old legs.  I've got hoops tomorrow which I'm looking forward to.  Come join me!!


  1. That's right - it's only going to get easier! You are doing great! Go Jim go!! Hopefully one of us - or both if we find a sitter - can get to bball tomorrow night.

  2. It does get easier - a lot easier! When I started last October (205 pounds) I was able to chug for almost 3/4 of a mile before I started thinking about heart attacks. Now I can go about 3 miles (175 pounds) without too much trouble.

    Not sure if this would be of interest to you, but I started wearing a sauna suit. I know most have very negative opinions of them as I did as well. My thought was that it was just water weight and would come right back when you drink. That part is true. The changed mindset was more in the behind the scenes of the suit. It takes a lot of energy (calories) to sweat. So though the water (weight) will come right back - you are ahead in calories burned. One of my many goals - to burn an additional 250 calories per day and to also ingest 250 calories less (than normal) per day. That works up to 500 calories per day. 2500 calories is 1 pound. So I can safely lose 1 pound per week - 52 per year.

    With what you are doing and for what you have said you could lose - this is easily attainable. Remember, lose it slowly and safely and you will have a better chance of keeping it off. Change of lifestyle - not a diet.

    . I have added your blog to my favorites so that I can keep tabs :)

    Keep up the great work and posts

  3. I hope you ran with your IPOD! In my opinion there's nothing worse than having to listen to yourself breathe. 3 miles is awesome! Keep it up and have fun at BBall tonight, I wish I could be there too.
