Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Still Running

I ran 3 again this morning (third day in a row!) and finished in 32:39.  That's under 11 minute miles for the first time.  It's also starting to feel a little better as well.  Instead of terrible calf pain it's just moderate calf pain.  Today was pretty hot, so I was sweating something fierce.  Why did the nice fall weather disappear now that it's officially fall??

On another note, good job everyone keeping me honest.  First it was Bill emailing me when I missed a day and now Dave just texted me to find out where I was.  Answer:  Doing my usual Wednesday circuit training "boot camp" workout with my personal trainer Peggy.

Tomorrow is weigh in number 3.  I'm crossing my fingers for good news, but considering my filet intake this past weekend, anything lower than last week will make me happy.


  1. Great seeing you out there tonight Jim! You're doing great!!!

  2. Good workout last night. Hope you get good results today on the scale for all your hard work. Every pound of fat lossed is such an accomplishment ~ celebrate each one!
