Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Getting Faster

I only ran 2.6 this morning (but I ran 3 yesterday evening, so lay off), but my time was 26:22, so I'm almost down to 10 minute miles.  Considering I was at 12 just a couple weeks ago, that's pretty satisfying.  Once I can do 3 miles at a little under 10's then I'll start adding more distance.

I'm getting a little excited for tomorrow's weigh in.  Will I see the 270's for the first time in a while?  I'm close today.  And will I make it upon wakeup, or will I have to run in the a.m. to get there?  So much suspense...

Bill, I implemented your suggestion to re-do the slideshow so that it shows all the side shots together and all the front shots together.  It's much better that way.  Thanks for the suggestion!