Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another Day, Another 3 miles

Today (Tuesday) I ran around the school while Will was at soccer practice.  The whole time I kept thinking how much more fun it would have been to be running around playing soccer instead of running around watching others play soccer.  I really need to join that adult league like I've been meaning to do.

A couple of you have suggested running on the treadmill while watching TV (as opposed to eating, which is a more typical activity for me).  That's all well and good, if I didn't have such a totally ghetto TV in my basement.  That thing's so bad it's like setting your monitor to 640x480, all pixelated and crap.  But I've been suggesting to Therese that we get a better TV for our bedroom, which means I could move the slightly less ghetto bedroom TV to the basement, and throw out the basement one.  Realistically, that's probably too much work and I'll never do it.  But maybe...

In sports news, the Cowboys won and the Redskins lost to the Lions.  So I've got that going for me, which is nice!

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