Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Being hungry

Thanks Bill and Peggy for the advice.  Snacking more seems kind of counterintuitive, but I will definitely start doing that more.  This is apple picking season and I love apples, so those should be OK.  Now the Combos I had this afternoon, maybe not as much.

Bill, I like the small plate idea.  I'll just use one of the kids' plates.  They'll laugh, but I'm used to that...

1 comment:

  1. Snacking is a good thing. The problem people run into is snacking on the wrong foods. Check out this link for some healthy snack ideas: http://www.shapefit.com/healthy-snack-foods.html
    I am big on nuts, fruit and cottage cheese. As high cholesterol also runs in my family, I try to make sure that I am not shooting myself in the heart while watching the scale.

    As for watching the scale, we all get caught in that game. Try not to. By doing the right things the scale will ultimately reflect your diligence. I went months without losing a pound, became very frustrated and then all of a sudden - ten pound drop! Stay focused and you will be successful!
