Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Body Fat

So my personal trainer (Peggy) got out the ol' calipers this evening.  Results?  Not as bad as I expected.  29% body fat.  While it still is super high, it's definitely not as bad as I thought it would be.  At my current weight, that means I have about 83 pounds of fat I could potentially lose.  That would get me down near 200, which is where I want to be anyway.  I'm going to add a body fat percentage box on the right side, but that won't get updated nearly as often as the weight.  Peggy says only every 3 months.

Had a good boot camp workout tonight.  The weather was awesome and all my peeps were there (except for the Halls).  Thanks again everyone for all the encouragement!


  1. Good workout tonight, proud of the effort you're putting in. We won't be able to play racquetball this weekend but maybe we can get out there and run.

  2. You're doing awesome hon! Keep up the good work!

  3. Jim - great progress! Keep it up. We're all rooting for you. Kimberly
