Monday, September 28, 2009

I need to start exercising again

I need to get my groove back.  Sunday we were gone all day, and today I had to count the collection in the morning and then work this afternoon.  I did mow the lawn this evening, but that hardly counts as exercise.  (Although Dan said I could count it.)  Tonight is the Dallas game (Go Cowboys!) and then I'll be up late studying for a test in my tax class.  I could get up early with the kids and then jog before class.  But most likely I won't.  I do need to run at some point tomorrow or my Thursday weigh in will be a disaster.  It's too early to start backsliding and break my streak of down weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely count mowing the lawn. It does not matter where you burn the calories. Burn an extra 500 a day and you lose a pound a week.

    Good luck on your test.

    Go GIANTS!!
