Thursday, September 17, 2009

Weigh In, Week 2

285.4 this morning.  3 pounds is not bad, but considering how hard I've been working out I was hoping for a little more.  Nevertheless, this makes almost 10 pounds overall that I'm down (and 15 from my all time high), so I guess baby steps are better than nothing.  I'm hoping to ride my bike to tax class this morning, but it's been raining.  Hopefully it lets up later.

Thanks again everyone for the words of support and encouragement!  My friend Kevin has been inspired to start a similar blog/website chronicling his own transformation, and I'm really eager to get a look at it.

I took pictures again today, but I'm holding off on posting b/c I don't think they belong right in the middle of the post.  I'd rather have some picture viewer type link in the sidebar where I can have these, but I'm still trying to figure out how to do that.  But never fear, lovers of distended bellies, your corpulent eye candy will be back soon!


  1. Jim- remember - you are building muscle too - and muscle ways more than fat - so at the beginning the weight loss will be slower, but you are making progress transferring the weight from fat to muscle! Great job!!

  2. I can hardly weight for the pictures!! Although luckily I can view the real deal any time. Love you my beautiful sexy honey, I'm so proud of you!!!!!
