Thursday, September 17, 2009

Biking in the rain... no fun when you wear glasses.  It's probably not much fun if you don't wear glasses, actually.  But I didn't see myself getting any other workout today, and I was planning on meeting Dave Costanzo at Foster's for lunch after tax class, so I decided to chance it.  I didn't even get out of my neighborhood before it started drizzling, and it just got worse from there.  Luckily for my classmates, I brought a dry shirt and deodorant. 

Good news about lunch:  I forwent (Is that a word?  What's the past tense of "forgo" anyone?) the burger and got the chicken sandwich.  With a side salad instead of fries.  And unsweetened ice tea.

Bad news about lunch:  The chicken sandwich had cheese and fried onions and fried mushrooms.  But it was delicious!  And I did get light mayo...

On another topic, I've had an incredible response so far from people wanting to sign up for the automatic email notices when I post.  The stupid system will only let me add 10 addresses, and I was almost immediately over that number.  I just added people in the order they responded, and I'm going to try to figure out how to add more than 10 names.  I might just manually forward the emails until then.  As always, thanks for all the support!


  1. Baby steps, my love! Chicken instead of beef is good. Next time forgo one other thing like the bun or cheese! You rock!

  2. You have such an amazing wife!! Have a great weekend you two =)
