Monday, November 30, 2009

Grammy's scale was NOT accurate

So the scale yesterday at her house showed me not up at all for the long weekend, which I knew couldn't be accurate.  I figured it was 2 or 3 pounds.  But as of my scale this morning, it's actually FIVE pounds.  Yikes.  I have my work cut out for me this week just getting back down to last week's weight.  I REALLY wish I had some will power so that instead of always trying to undo damage, I was making progress. 

So...who's joining me for hoops tomorrow night?


  1. Jim: I want to encourage you to keep going strong brother. Don't let this small setback throw you off. You knew this one was potentially coming with this weekend.

    Okay - going out on a small limb here: I also want to suggest and encourage you to take this to prayer. Have you ever identified any consistencies in that you tend to mess up more when you are feeling a certain way? Perhaps there is something deeper driving the eating ... not saying it is so ... just a consideration.

    Of course I will accept if you just plain love food and love to eat. Especially tasty foods!

    Keep going strong brother! Would join you tomorrow for hoops if I did not have to work. After January I should be free barring not finding another job which I desperately need!


  2. Are you coming to workout with us tonight before bball? Circuit workout + basketball = back on track!
