Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stupid Cowboys

If the Cowboys had won, then I wouldn't have had to console myself with bon bons.  It's Romo's fault that I'm fat!  When you get a first and goal at the one yard line and you have Marion Barber on your team, RUN THE BALL!

Now that I have that off my chest, I can proudly say that I did NOT, in fact, console myself with bon bons, or any other food item.  As the final seconds were ticking off the clock, I was holding the trash can so Will could vomit into it.  While many will take that as a symbolic gesture of what he thought of his team's performance, it was actually due to illness.  That's actually what I've been doing for one kid or another for what seems like weeks now.  But seeing that up close and personal does tend to blunt one's appetite.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the Eagles will be in first place then, that should make you not want to eat anymore!
