Thursday, November 19, 2009

My first official 250's weigh in

Since today's Thursday, today's weight is the official one for the week, and it was 259.6.  I was thinking about it this morning, and I realized that in less than 3 months I'm basically half way done!  Another 35 pounds and I'll be at 225, which I haven't weighed since college (or shortly thereafter, like law school).  The lowest I got down to in 2006 when I had my last big weight loss was 228, and that was just for a few days.  I was in the 230's for months, but not the 220's for very long.  I really can't imagine, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, that I'll be able to continue this pace for another 3 months and be "done" before Spring, but a man can dream, can't he?

I've asked Peggy to take my measurements and do the body fat assessment again on me, so I'll be able to update the stats in the right hand column.  I'm eager to see how much things have changed.


  1. Great job Jim! Keep up the great work!

  2. Congratulations ... Don't quit now! Keep going bro!

  3. You can do it- even through the holidays! It's all about choices...and once you're on that path to good eating you'll find it's easier to resist what was once so enticing. You're awesome! Congrats on your progress.

  4. Keep running. It is the key to everything. Let's do another marathon some day (but not too soon).

    Best wishes,
    Jenn Borodin

  5. Jim - Keep up the good work!

    You know I will be watching you closely >8^)
