Monday, November 16, 2009

Funny food-related story

So we're in Williamsburg with Caroline and her friend Genna and the other kids at the Japanese steak house and we get to the part where the hibachi chef asks everyone how they want their steak. 

Me:  "Medium."

Therese:  "Medium."

And then we chose medium for the girls.

Genna:  "I want mine large."

Me:  "Genna, he's asking how you want your steak cooked."

Genna:  "But I want mine large!"

Therese:  "Not medium as in small-medium-large but medium as in rare-medium-well done."

Genna:  [very puzzled look] "I want a big one."

I don't think we ever got the point across.


  1. Truth be told, all she knows is what she knows ... she wanted a lot of steak. Takes after daddy? Anyhow, watch the extras this week, throw away any old Halloween candy you find and keep running. No slacking brother!!!! :)

  2. I love this story! Be a good one for Caroline to share during a toast at Genna's wedding ;)
