Sunday, November 29, 2009


Some signs that perhaps you still have your eating problem:

* You wait until everyone else has gone to bed so that no one sees you eating that giant Hershey's Kiss you found on top of the fridge.  (And to make it worse, you discover upon opening it that it's from Valentine's Day!)

* You head from the adults' table into the kitchen to "get a drink" then polish off a piece of pizza from the kids' table on the way back in.

* You go prospecting in your mother-in-law's pantry and find snacks from last summer when you were here last.  Sure they're stale, but they're still snacks...

On the upside, I did run a little over five miles today (the most since the marathon relay in May) and felt pretty good after an early cramp let up.  There's no way that remotely made up for the damage done over the last few days, but it had to help.  We also spent much of Friday raking leaves, so that's something.  Grammy has a scale here that had a very attractive number on it for me after my run this afternoon, but who knows how that compares with mine at home.  I guess I'll find out tomorrow!

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