Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thursday Weigh In

Sorry I'm late updating this.  I weighed in Thursday morning but we then left right away for Great Wolf Lodge and I didn't get a chance to post.  My weight was 266 even; down 3 pounds from last week and .6 from two weeks ago.  It definitely seems like I'm plateauing a little earlier than I had hoped.  Then again, instead of blaming some "plateau," I should probably blame the filet mignon with fried rice I got at the Japanese steak house Thursday or the chocolate cream pie shake I got at Sonic on the way home Friday.  Maybe I'll lose some of it back since I've come down with a nasty cough/fever and now I can't sleep.


  1. Can't believe how easy you are to hug now - and that you refused dessert last night!! Wow! Keep up the great work!

  2. Look, if I'd stayed around while dessert was sitting out I'm not sure how long my resolve would have lasted. Luckily I had to leave to get Caroline! But do thank Bob for the steak again for me. It was truly amazing; as good as any steakhouse.

  3. And if I get more hugs for all this work, then it's worth it!
