Thursday, November 5, 2009

I guess it had to happen

I got on the scale this morning and confirmed what I had suspected for days.  My first weigh in failure.  With Halloween, Caroline's birthday, a Ruth's Chris steak dinner in AC courtesy of [pre-blackjack-failure] James Younts, and buffet comps, the only suspense was really how much I'd be up.  Since I was still in the 260's I guess that counts for something.  I did run Tuesday morning on the boardwalk, which is a great place to run b/c it's perfectly flat and there's tons to see.  Also music blaring from all the casinos.  I would have run again Wednesday morning if Younts didn't drag me back to the blackjack table till 4 a.m. 

My goal for this week is not just to be down from the 269 I am now but to be down from the 266.6 I was last week.  Now to find a way to get rid of the leftover Halloween candy...


  1. Don't let one setback ruin all your great efforts. Exercise, eat healthy and show some will power this week and you'll accomplish your goals! You can do it Jim!!

  2. Halloween Candy - you could tell your kids to play a game where they have to hide it all from Daddy!!!! Well, you enjoyed the steak and the buffet ... thank God for good food ... now hit the streets running again this weekend. Next week will be better.

  3. Keep working on healthy lifestyle changes that will stay with you even when you aren't trying to beat a number on the scale every week. Maybe instead of looking at events as impending disaster, look at it as a way to "exercise" your new, improved willpower and healthy thoughts about food that you are going to use and continue to sharpen throughout the rest of your life. This is the new Jim that uses small plates for portion control, knows healthy substitutions, eats more whole foods, etc!!! Your progress is amazing. Keep in mind that the early drop in pounds is alot of water weight and that the pounds you are now losing, even if a smaller number, are true pounds of fat.
