Monday, November 23, 2009

The new TV is working

As I mentioned, I got a high def TV for our bedroom as an early Christmas present for myself.  The idea was to have me watching sports in the evening farther away from the kitchen.  So far, so good!  I was watching Eagles-Bears last night and definitely wanted a snack, but here's where my inherent laziness works in my favor.  The snacks were an entire floor away!  So I just went to bed hungry.

Pants update:  Now wearing size 40.  That might still sound insanely large to most of my more normal size readers, but I was in 44s in September.

Weekend update:  I seem to have come through the Bonefish/casino night/Thanksgiving weekend relatively unscathed.  So with hoops on Tuesday I'm hopeful for another successful week.  Thanks, again, to everyone for all your kind words of encouragement!

1 comment:

  1. Great work Jim!! You're doing awesome!!
