Monday, November 9, 2009

Finally got under 10's

I went from 10:07 miles Saturday all the way down to 9:29 Sunday (for 3 miles).  All I wanted to do was get under 10 minute miles and apparently I was moving faster than I thought.  The weather was good and I was just feeling it.  Now that I have my pace to where it's respectable, I need to start increasing distance.  My goal, since I like to set them, is to finish a half marathon in under 2 hours.  I think my current best is 2:03.  To finish under 2 hours, you pretty much need to run the whole thing at a 9 minute mile pace.  I realize that for the Bob Colemans and Peggy Harrises of the world, those are just cool down laps.  For me, a sprint.

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