Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hopeful for Thursday

Thanks for all the comments yesterday guys.  Nice to see my friend Jean weigh in (ha!) all the way from the Congo where she's doing medical missionary work.  Dave, when you're a non-fat guy, no one cares how fast you can run!  It's just assumed that you're in shape.  Peggy, I'd be happy to jump in there for you Saturday...if you were running a 5K.  I hope to be ready for a half marathon by spring, but my full marathon days are over.  I'll keep your health in my prayers b/c I know you've trained really hard the last few months and will be very disappointed if you can't go on Saturday.  There are four days left, so that's enough for a miracle cure!

I'm still hopeful that I'll be down at Thursday's weigh in to below the 266.6 that I was two weeks ago.  Brendan and I played racquetball for an hour and a half tonight and he ran me around, so that should help.  Now I need to figure out what to do in the rain tomorrow while Therese is at work.  Hello treadmill??


  1. Well there is always the option to put on a hoodie and run in the rain! It will make you move quicker so you can get back into dry warm clothes!!!!! The cold air might even help burn fat, because your cooker will have to work harder too.

  2. Man, you're tough! With my luck, I'd get sick again.
