Thursday, November 19, 2009

Eagle Eye Maenza

So I get this email from Bill Maenza yesterday.  It says:


I am calling you to the carpet big boy!

Initial blog excerpt: My friend Kevin Caiazza keeps encouraging me to join the 300 club, and I still maintain that I've never officially been north of that particular border.

Today blog excerpt: It seems like a long way from my max of 301.

Nice try - do not try sneak one by me, ever! I will catch you and call you on it.

OK Mr Law Boy - I expect a full retraction!


Given that the email arrived at 10:46 a.m., I'm sure Bill's boss would like an explanation of why he wasn't working but was instead looking back through 62 old posts going back nearly three months to compare my words from this week versus my original words. 

But OK Bill, here's your retraction.  I was, indeed, 301 at one point.  Only for a day, or maybe just an evening after a big dinner, but I did see that number on a scale once.  And yes, I was on the scale alone.  Since I was 295 the day I started the blog then that's the number I use officially, but unofficially I sometimes measure from 301.  I appreciate you calling attention to it like that.  Figured I was getting a little too proud of myself and needed a dose of humility, did ya?


  1. LOL -You told me to haunt you! Keep up the great work. I saw you the other day and it re-motivated me to train harder.

    When can we expect new pictures?

  2. I take them every week, I just don't get them put up on the slide show every week.
