Monday, November 9, 2009

You guys are hard to please

Since yesterday's post about breaking the 10 minute mile mark garnered exactly zero comments/kudos (I did get an out of office reply from Dan; does that count?), I'm going to try again.  Today I ran with Therese who pushed me and I did 9:19 miles.  Pace from the last 3 days:  10:07, 9:29, 9:19.  I'm not going to try to run tomorrow b/c I feel dead tonight, but I'll figure out something. 


  1. That's awesome Jim! Maybe you impressed us so much that we are all speechless =) Want to sub for me this weekend? I need one. Thanks, you're a pal.

  2. Well now ... in one regard you are right Peggy! I was blown away and felt rather sheepish myself since you can probably run faster than I can right now ... so out of my own guilt, I dare to say I did not post. When you are making a guy half your size subconscious you should know you are making good progress despite last weeks setbacks. As always, keep up the great work Jim. It is paying off!

  3. YAY JIm!! Really great job - keep up the good work!

  4. He did awesome, It was only toward the end that I was able to slightly and I mean slightly pull away!! I'm so proud of you honey and I'm not going to lie a little worried that with in the month you'll be faster than me!!!

  5. Jim-- I am so incredibly proud to read about your commitment to becoming healthier and your remarkably rapid progress -- love to all you Griffins, as always :)
