Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I need a pick me up

OK, blogosphere, here's where you help me instead of me inspiring you.  I'm in a rut.  A rut the size that Rosie O'Donnell would make if she fell over into wet sand.  Bigger even.  Like a Redskins-sized rut.  I watched last night's blowout on the downstairs TV b/c my brother came over to watch the game with me, and I ended up the night on Pantry Inventory Duty somehow.  (Let's see, popcorn?  Check.  Cookies?  Check.  Crackers?  Check.  Soft pretzel?  Check...)

I don't, as Dave suggests as a possibility, think it's indicative of anything larger than just a love of food.  Sweet, salty, fatty food.  Why was I not born with a love of celery??


  1. Here's some inspiration for you - no poker night for every week you "cheat" on your diet. If it's really bad, no football on Sunday! That should be some good incentive. Hang in there - stay strong and keep your eye on the prize!

  2. What a great idea! Then I'd have all the poker guys on my butt as well since they'd want to play!
