Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Serious backsliding

I've settled into an unfortunate pattern of weighing in Thursday and then going buck wild Friday through Sunday.  Then come Monday, I'm frantically trying to work off those 4 or 5 pounds plus a little more so I can show a loss on the chart.  It must be what an unethical CEO feels like, always trying to make the quarterly numbers.  So I get on the scale this morning and I'm up almost eight pounds from last Thursday.  I'll pause a moment to let that sink in.  EIGHT.  With 48 hours to go before this week's weigh in.  Sure, there was a Christmas party or two in there, but still.  It's totally unacceptable. 

So tonight I did Peggy's workout and also played racquetball, and I'm hoping Brendan can break away tomorrow night for more r-ball.  Still, that's not likely to be enough.  I could run Thursday, but the forecast is pretty ugly.  Sure, the treadmills at the Freedom Center are probably stronger than mine so I won't have the embarrassing "belt-pinch" issue, but how boring is that?  Maybe a pick up game of hoops with the brothers...


  1. You can do this Jim! Resist those food temptations that are everywhere. You are doing great with the exercise and activity level part of the equation, just get the calories consumed down a little and make the weight loss much easier on yourself. We have all seen you do it. I'm reminded of a sports quote ~ thought you might be able to appreciate it and apply.
    "Winning is not a sometime thing ~ it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while, you don't do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing."

    Looking forward to doing a weight workout in the gym with you and Brendan. We can also test your VO2 max (approximately) so you can have a fitness level goal to work on too if you'd like.

  2. Thanks for the kind words. Not sure what VO2 max is, but I'm up for anything. Also, I apologize for injuring your husband tonight in racquetball. Although he really did it to himself.

  3. Yes, I blame you! Where's the sarcastic button? Don't worry, I automatically assumed he did a somersault or dove into the wall - I have played sports with my husband after all ;)
