Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Time for a cleanse

Roadblocks to weight loss can show up in unexpected places.  I went downtown to the Reagan building yesterday for an all day trademark conference.  (Yes, it's really as boring as it sounds.)  In the past, they've had a continental breakfast and fruit with the coffee breaks.  Yesterday, much more. 

The body count for the day:

1 ham/egg/cheese croissant
1 slice mushroom/spinach quiche
4 Cokes (not diet Cokes) (Did I mention the conference was boring?)
Lunch was curry chicken with cheesecake for dessert
3 cookies during the afternoon coffee (or Coke) break
1 large soft pretzel

Then a delicious dinner from Therese (I mean that seriously, not sarcastically; there was none left), followed by (when no one was looking) three more cookies.  If anyone out there (I mean either of you out there) ever feel prideful, just start a weight loss blog.  Talk about humility-causing!

So I think I need to make a clean carb break, as Kim suggested.  For the next few days, until the WDP Christmas party Saturady, I'm going to try to drink a lot of tea and eat just a little, mostly protein and vegetables. 


  1. Jim,
    Here is an idea - try writing down everything you put in your mouth for a week. It will make you much more aware of how often you graze...

    If you need more pressure, post the results here!

  2. Here's how good my husband, he has cut down on his carbs, just had fish (yes you heard that right!) and salad and water for dinner!! Keep it up honey you can do it!

  3. Hey Jim. Have you ever done a rough calculation of how many calories per day would maintain your body weight, how many daily calories for a loss of 2 lb/wk, etc? This looks like a pretty good one (use advanced options) if you are interested. Tracking your exact calories burned + calories eaten is even better, but tough to do accurately. This can be a helpful substitute.


  4. These are the results it gives me:

    Maintenance: 2990 Calories/day
    Fat Loss: 2392 Calories/day
    Extreme Fat Loss: 2048 Calories/day

    I'll try to see about how many I'm consuming. I have no idea.
