Sunday, December 6, 2009


My personal trainer, Peggy, was nice enough to come over today and redo my measurements.  My body fat dropped from 29% to 26.6%.  That really doesn't seem like very much to me.  I know it's an inexact science, but if I understand it right, what it means is that I'm now carrying around 68 pounds of fat (.266 x 256) instead of 86 (.29 x 295).  But since I've lost 39 pounds, and only 18 was theoretically fat, what's all the rest?  21 pounds of muscle?  I don't think I had 21 pounds of muscle total before this started.  Oh well, I'll just go with the general trend (down) as well as the specific body part measurements.

1 comment:

  1. Well, one explanation for at least some of those pounds is that the initial measurement was probably higher. Remember, we went with the lower one after calculating a few times? So I'm quite sure the fat pounds lost are actually more than that!
