Thursday, December 3, 2009

Updates coming!

I just looked at the list of weigh ins on the side of my blog and realized that it's now been exactly 3 months, to the day, since I started this thing.  If you'd told me 3 months ago that I'd be down 39 pounds at this point I'd have been pleased.  If I look back on this on March 3rd and I've lost 39 more pounds then I'll be thrilled.  First, b/c the next 39 is always the hardest.  Second, b/c that will mean that I'll be weighing 217 which would be the lightest for me since college.  I think 225ish was the lowest I got in 2006.  It also means that when I run the Knoxville half marathon with Shiny* (which I haven't yet officially agreed to do), I'll be at prime fighting weight.

I'm going to see if I can stop by Peggy's house tonight and update my body measurements and body fat analysis.  I'm very curious to see the improvement.

* Shiny Head Pete, MobWars nickname of Erin Peterson, aka The General.

1 comment:

  1. Sign up for the Knoxville Race! And you are in trouble for not coming to workout with us on Tuesday. I know you are going to give me excuses about having to work and support your family, but come on... priorities!! (Oh and good job on the 5 mile runs.)
