Thursday, December 10, 2009

Slow and steady wins the race?

Down another 1.6 this week.  I sure have leveled off the last few weeks, but it is a challenging time of year.  I have Andy's party Saturday and then my work "party" on Tuesday.  AND no basketball to counteract things.  I need to make sure that the days in between those two aren't too damaging.  I do think I'm going to finally join the Freedom Center so I can swim and run and such this winter.

1 comment:

  1. 1.6 is still awesome!! It's a loss, I do care how much of a loss it is it's better than a gain!!! Now that we both are joining the freedom center for our "winter" training, look out Team Kauai, ah who am I kidding we can't beat you guys but we can beat our own times right!, we might see some more progress!
