Friday, December 18, 2009

Didn't make it :(

Well, this is my 2nd "failure" post.  Apparently 8 pounds is too much to overcome in 2 days.  Who knew?  I just have to make sure I don't let myself get that far behind any more.  Thursday morning I was 257.2, which is 2.8 pounds up.  That's the most I've been up.  Maybe I can work some of it off by shoveling tomorrow!


  1. Jim - Do not look at this as a failure - just a minor setback. I think you need to concentrate less on "beating" the scale and more on changing your lifestyle and how you look at food/exercise etc. This gaining weight by eating badly for four days and then trying to lose it all in 3 days will not do anything for you in the long run and probably isn't very healthy. You need to take control and figure out how to change your eating habits - making healthier choices. Look at the bad food and say I could eat that, but I won't b/c it's not worth it. I know it's especially hard during the holidays - but maybe you can make it a new year's resolution. Hang in there!!

  2. Jim remember the big picture, buddy - and remember that you are not filling up as much of that "big" picture as you used to, ha ha! You're doing AWESOME and remember that getting into those good habits WILL pay off! GoooooOOO JIM! -Carrie

  3. Hey bro - I apologize I was out of town for 8 days without email access and then was stuck in Dallas for 3 days trying to fly back into Dulles since Friday afternoon. The good news, I made it. I am sorry I have not been able to encourage you during my absense!!!! Anyhow, Jim, no worries for this setback AND in reality, you knew this time form Thanksgiving on would be a challenge until after New Years. You will make progress, just try to work on watching what you eat over the next 2 weeks. Then go gang busters come January 1. YOU WILL MAKE IT! Keep going strong. It may not mean a whole lot - but I am proud of your progress from the beginning to now bro!
