Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Haven't posted the last couple days b/c I haven't done anything. I've been sick and it seems like it's going into my lungs, so I haven't exercised the last couple days. But I need to do something lest I risk having my first "up" week. Unfortunately, the sickness is not suppressing my appetite...


  1. So sorry you're not feeling good Jim. Don't stress over not exercising - even just a little walking on the treadmill goes a long way when your sick - sometimes helps make you feel better too. You may even try just doing some hand weights while you are sitting - any little bit will help. But mainly rest up! God bless!

  2. I've been viewing the downfall, first hand. He needs to stop busting his hump and get to bed!! Those lungs need some recovery time! And plus if your sleeping your not eating. That's my motto! But on a different note, I'm noting a big difference in the way you look and you are down a pants size from your heaviest ( which is something he doesn't say but of course as a woman I notice :)) so that's awesome!!
