Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chasing 4

It's Tuesday morning and I'm UP four pounds from last Thursday.  It's not looking too good for the weigh in, and I don't have any basketball to bail me out. 

The stinkin' weekends always kill me.  We went out to dinner Friday and Saturday nights, and then to my parents on Sunday night.  To try to convey what I'm up against at my parents' house, I'll list just the desserts that were available to me Sunday:

4 kinds of ice cream
home made hot fudge for the ice cream
cake and sugar cones for the ice cream
home made regular fudge
pound cake w/ strawberries
home made popcorn balls
knock off Samoas cookies (Safeway brand, and very yummy)
and probably some other stuff that I'm forgetting

I love my mother, and in her defense she did make me some turkey sausage and a salad, so I would have been fine if I'd stopped there.  But alas, no.

So I'll have to see if I can run off 4 pounds (and hopefully a little more) in the next 48 hours.  If not, I'll have to leave the post of shame.

(BTW, that phrase "chasing" a number, is that just a baseball term?  We're chasing 3 runs?  That's the only context I've ever heard it in.  Does anyone know?)


  1. It's about time you posted something!! :) Ok - don't get discouraged. Drink lots of water - that's a good tip before eating too - drink a big glass of water to fill you up some. Try to run tonight and tomorrow. And don't let one bad weekend ruin your great work - you really are looking great!! Gonna call you Slim Jim from now on!

  2. Jim - WHOA! talk about tables to avoid ... and now I suffer too cause this means I have to wait even longer till we an go out to eat again at Foster's. So, bottom line, listen to Sergeant Coleman above, water, run, run, run. You can burn off 4 my friend ... go for it!

  3. I am sure that you will be successful as long as you keep getting up and pressing on after a slip. It's the staying down that causes trouble. Fight on Slim Jim!
