Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Hello faithful readers. Before I discuss today's workout/diet news, I'd like to address a very important issue first: Lack of comments. I, like most successful bloggers, am a narcissist. And how do we narcissistic bloggers measure our worth? Comments!! Comments let me know you care. And are physically viewing the site once in a while. I know many of you just read the emails which get automatically generated and respond to those. That's fine, I totally appreciate any feedback. But to the extent that you don't mind just clicking on the link in the email to visit the site itself and leaving a comment, it would be appreciated. Remember, if a fat guy eats a hamburger in the forest and no one is reading his blog, does he gain any weight? Yes, because no one read his blog. See? I need your help.

Remember, you can leave comments as "anonymous," or if you don't want to be anonymous, just choose "name/URL" from the list and type in your name. You don't need to put in a URL. If you have a gmail account for email, you can just choose "Google Account" and sign in with your gmail name and password.

Exercise news (finally!): I am now (as of Tuesday morning) finally back down to where I was last Thursday at the weigh in. Which gives me two days this week to actually lose weight. But since I have hoops tonight, I should be OK, I hope. Therese and I ran last night and I almost kept up with her. Granted, she was pushing a stroller with Catherine in it, but still.

Dan, per your request, I have moved the fat guy beefcake pictures (would those be "cheesecake" pictures?) farther down the right hand column so you won't have to avert your eyes. You now have to scroll down for them versus having them greet you as soon as you visit the site.


  1. Keep up the good work and just say NO!! ;)

  2. Enough said ... keep going ... and next time you go to pig out in a skybox invite one of us and we will be sure to "help" you avoid what you should be avoiding.

  3. I was only pushing the jogging stroller the first lap!! You did awesome and I'm very proud of you. Look how far you've come! Next year you are going to rock the Frederick Relay, Look out Kauai Sub-4, Griffin is on the war path, hopefully not the one that the redskins are currently on!!

  4. Wow, I almost missed that challenge! Sounds like it's ON! =)
