Sunday, October 18, 2009

My current best weight loss tip:

Stay away from Dan Simpson!

Why?  He's a one man diet killer!  Thursday he's kind enough to get me and Therese tickets to the Caps game in the Wash Post luxury box at center ice.  Which is all well and good, except for the buffet spread out before us with dogs, sandwiches, quesadillas, as well as popcorn, nuts, chips, cookies, brownies, blah, blah, blah.  So I recover a little on Friday and Saturday and today he shows up to watch football with a nice crock pot full of sausage and cheese dip.  With Fritos.  I'm only human!  I have therefore officially deemed my good friend to be a Near Occasion of Eating.

But realistically, situations like this will come up now and then my whole life, so I need to learn how to minimize the damage.  Just haven't learned it yet...

Went to the doctor yesterday.  I do officially have bronchitis, which I basically knew.  Does make it a little harder to exercise, though.  One good thing is that my BP is down a good bit from what it was.  I'm now 122/80 instead of 139/90.

BTW, new fat guy pics should be up in the slide show now.  I still can't tell any difference from week 1 till now, at least in the photos.


  1. Wow! Awesome blood pressure results. That is great! And weigh-in numbers too. You must be doing better than you let on during tempting situations with food because you are certainly getting great results. We are proud of you. Keep it up!

  2. LOL, Good thing is the quesdillas ( said in my best Napoleon Dynamite's grandmother accent) were not that good, but the jelly beans, cookies, popcorn and sandwiches were! I'm glad about the blood pressure because the main reason I'm for this weight loss thing is to have you around for a good long time. You are worth WAY more to me alive than with the creator! And it's not just the money making, it's the fixing things, the child care your ability to make stains of all kinds (sorry that was my simpsons moment, I couldn't resist!)
