Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's Alive! (the streak) ( barely)

So after riding my bike to class and back, combined with yesterday's activity, I am down 1 pound for the week.  I was 266.6.  Given that I was 271 yesterday morning, that's a pretty big accomplishment.  I lost 4.4 pounds since yesterday.  I may be prouder of this week's one pound than I am of all the previous weeks' losses, given how hard it was to attain.

Now my attention turns to next week's challenge:

Saturday:  Halloween
Sunday:  Caroline's birthday party
Mon-Weds:  Staying at the Showboat Casino in Atlantic City
Thursday:  Tragic weigh in???

I guess I should take a day or so to bask in the glow of my continued success before I start worrying about next week. 


  1. Woohoo! Way to go Jim! You will find a way to battle through the next week - sounds like your will power is getting stronger all the time.

  2. Jim,
    Great job. However - I told you that I would be staying on you and following up. Let's see some more updates here. Post more and you will be more aware of your goals.

    And remember - go YANKEES!
