Friday, October 9, 2009

Had a good Thursday

It started off with the good weigh in, then I got a 100% on my mid term in my tax class, then I started work late but still got more than twice as many points as in a typical full day (25), they I played racquetball at night. On that note, I'd like to offer James Younts and Kevin Caiazza congratulations on trying to take down the Big Unit, but only Brendan can do that these days with any consistency. Now all I need is a couple good softball games tonight to really end the week on a high note.

I slept late this morning and I'm starting to feel a little better. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating like crazy when my fever broke, and then this morning I was down more than 2 pounds from yesterday's weigh in. Could that just be water weight from the night sweats? If so, maybe I should add fever to my "natural" weight loss remedy list, which already includes pneumonia?

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