Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Running again

I can't say I'm well, but I'm definitely feeling better. It was cold today so I decided to get on the treadmill. This might not seem like earth shattering news, but it's a milestone of sorts for me. Because unless you have one of those NFL-quality treadmills like they do at the gym, a guy my [old] size can't run on them. Each footfall tends to pinch the belt just a little, enough to break up my stride. But I'm now at the point where it's possible to run pretty normally, with just the occassional little pinch here and there. Thank God for small victories, eh?


  1. Ok - that was a great blast from the past - gotta love the black leather pants! Good for you Jim - way to get moving. Keep up the great job!

  2. It actually looks like he's wearing a brown belt with those black leather pants. I've also never seen a band before that featured 3 keyboards!

  3. You meet your goal and I'm going to get you a pair of those pants!!! Oh and that green muscle shirt too! I think this is where Phil Surine learned some of his moves from college!
