Saturday, October 10, 2009

Not the softball games I was hoping for

Well, I said I just needed two good softball games to end the week on a high note, but I didn't exactly get them.  So many balls got past me I felt more like a matador than a first baseman.  Realistically, I would have been just as effective using a red cape instead of a glove.  Since I've been hitting pretty well, Dan suggested bringing a bat out there with me to stop them.  That might actually work...

But I did lose a little more weight, which is the whole point of the blog, so I guess I shouldn't complain.  I'm thinking that if I limit the damage this weekend and then work out pretty hard early next week, I could conceivably hit the 260's by next weigh in.  That will be the first milestone that I'll actually be proud of, since it does seem like that's a pretty big distance from where I started.  I just have to get past poker tonight and football tomorrow.  Those are really my biggest two danger zones each week.


  1. Big Jim - Have you considered a move to the outfield? There is a whole lot more running out there than first base if you play the position correctly. More running = more calories burned = greater weight loss.

    Just a thought.

  2. I don't think the team wants that to happen. With my Prince Fielder build, I think 1B is where I belong. I guess I could sprint out there and back each inning for more exercise...
