Monday, January 4, 2010

Wow, I'm average!

They say the average American gains 10 pounds during the holidays, and I was 264.4 this morning.  (That's not up 10 from my last weigh in on 12/17 but it is up exactly 10 from the 12/10 weigh in.)  I had studiously avoided checking Mr. Scale for the last couple of weeks, but I wasn't really surprised.  Therese and I got road bikes for Christmas (here's a picture), and I got a new racquetball racket to replace the one that tragically broke when it came into contact with a brick pillar. 

I also have my trusty Freedom Center membership, and hoops starts again tomorrow, so starting today I'm back on the wagon.  Therese has gotten rid of most of the cookies by taking them into work, and we've burned through most of our excess cheese from the wine and cheese party, so the temptation level is dropping a good bit.  (By the way, Mr. Simpson, the chocolate pie was DELICIOUS!)

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Jim - awesome attitude to start off the New Year. Keep up the good work and the great attitude!!!

  2. Ahhh ... glad to see you made it back after my prodding via email! And whats this? You are not in as bad a place as you expected. You know it's funny we both must have heard the same commercial about the average American gaining 10 lbs over the holidays ... I did not have that happen either ... then again ... unfortunately I missed my favorite party of the year with wine and cheese ... so I am sure that saved me a few pounds right there. Let's see bike (check), Freedom Center (check), basketball every Tuesday (check), racquetball (check), a wife to push you as you run (check) and a marathon upcoming (check) ... man you are starting to make everyone else look bad. Good work bro! ((PS: when you are ready I could do a Foster's Salad and Chicken sanwich with you)) Happy New Year!
