Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stupid New Years resolutioners

So I show up a few minutes late for hoops last night and there's 19 PEOPLE there.  We generally have 10-12.  I hope this follows the normal pattern and people fall off pretty quick.  I played so little that I hardly worked up a sweat.  (Of course, you could argue that I should have played better so my team could have stayed on the floor, and you'd be right.)

This morning I swam with Therese, and she crushed me.  That's getting old.  I'm going to have to play racquetball with her just to stroke my ego.

Tomorrow will be the first 2010 weigh in/picture, so we'll see where I am.  Hopefully down a little.

1 comment:

  1. Your wife is just awesome! No need to feel bad about that =) ... Good job getting off to a new start in 2010. Hope that basketball calms down a bit so you can get more playing time as I know it's more fun for you than some of the other workout types. With that much interest, have you ever considered setting up a time to get some of the group together and play at Freedom? Do very many of the others have memberships?
