Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Still slacking in the posting department

Sorry guys, I'm just not used to this 60+ hour per week working thing.  Pretty much every single night of the week I'm either working at Block, or Therese is working, or I'm taking everyone's money at cards.  Here I am again at almost a week between posts.  Like last week, I'm not really down at all but still hanging right around that 260 mark.  Normally I'd find someone to play racquetball with tonight to get me over the hump for tomorrow's weigh in, but of course I'm working at Block until 9.  Ugh. 

On the up side, thanks for all the comments!  I think 8 is my most ever, even if one of them is a spam comment.  I guess I've truly arrived in the lofty company of the more famous bigwig bloggers now that I have my first spam comment.  Thank you Green Tea Weight Loss!

Congrats to my trainer Peggy Harris for getting a job at Sport and Health in Gainesville.  I know a couple of my readers are members there, so check her out.

Hello, also, to my high school friend Jess Angsten, who never has to worry about her weight.  Sorry, Jess, no Speedo picture.  I know Joe always looses a bunch of weight every Lent, so I need to do whatever he's doing this year.  How come he never plays racquetball or hoops with me any more?  I know the ankle's fully healed by now!


  1. Well the bright side of this all is you posted and you posted a long post at that. And the bottom line is that long term you have lost wieght, even if minimal progress at present. Keep looking for the openings to get out and exercise. You may be tired, but that's where you need to push through and do it anyway. Keep going bro!

  2. Thanks Jim =)

    I really think the effort to workout first thing in the morning would be well worth it for you. Yes, you will be tired. But with your long hours, you are going to be tired anyway. At least you will have gotten in a good workout and not have to think about it the rest of the day. Morning workouts also can help give you confidence in your food choices the rest of the day because of the great psychological boost you get from them. And it really will get easier if you get used to waking up and exercising - the first couple weeks will be tough. But you obviously love a challenge!
