Thursday, January 14, 2010

Weekly posts aren't going to cut it

I just realized that haven't posted since last Thursday, and yet no one called me on it.  Wake up, blogosphere!  Hold me accountable!

So I'm down a piddly .6 this week.  I guess it's better than being up.  Working H&R Block in the evenings is really taking up a lot of my time, and making things hard on Therese as well.  Thanks to Brendan for coming out and playing racquetball with me last night even though he had already worked out earlier in the day.  It's hard to get that guy tired but it definitely looked like he was fading down the stretech, which is probably the only reason I won a couple games.

Funny story.  I take my wedding ring off when I play racquetball to keep from getting a blister where I grip the racket.  Since we left Therese's birthday flowers in NJ by mistake, I went to the grocery store on my way home from the gym to get her another bundle.  As I was paying for the flowers, I saw my ring in the little change pouch of my wallet where I always put it.  Talking out loud to myself, I said somethingl like "Oops, better put this back on."  Then I realized how it must look.  Guy getting home late in the evening, buying flowers for his wife and putting his wedding ring back on!  Ugh!


  1. Love it!! You go honey, You're almost back to the 250's I'm pulling for you!!!

  2. We were just talking about you at yoga/tae bo - so you are not forgotten. Hang in there - sometimes slow progress is better in the long run.

  3. Yes - I asked Therese why you hadn't posted this week. Next time we will be sure to call you out right on the blog! Hope that your schedule will become a little more routine as you get used to it so that it isn't as stressful and you can carve out a few hours of your week for regularly scheduled exercise. Maybe you'll just be too busy working so hard to snack! =)

  4. Time to see some results Mr. Griffin, two months of maintaining is good but we got some more weight to loss.

  5. I'll work on my english while you work on your diet and exercise.

  6. Hi Jim,
    Just found your blog. Congrats on getting back in shape--always a good thing. I can't wait for the speedo picture at the end.

    Joe will join you in your weight loss effort come Lent. I think he's still having fun finishing off the holiday goodies.

    Jess Angsten

  7. Okay... I said I would... now that you've realized weekly posts don't work, where are the more frequent updates???

    P.S. Get a membership at Sport and Health in Gainesville and I can officially be your trainer!
