Monday, January 25, 2010

What a great day!

You have to love mid 60's and sunny in January.  After a weekend of two dinners out and a breakfast of Fr.-Wooten-going-away-party donuts while Will and I helped count the collection, I needed a workout or three.  So I decided to take my new bike out for a spin this afternoon.  What a difference from my other bike!  The rock hard (100ish psi) tires and lack of a suspension combined to pummel Jimmy's hind end pretty good.  But the lighter weight and more aggressive posture of the road bike definitely made me faster.  Granted, not as fast as Bob (or Joan.  Or Brendan, Peggy, Blaine, Carrie, or most likely, Lance), but faster than I used to be.  I did 11 miles on rolling hills and it took about 38 minutes. 


  1. Woo hoo - way to go - so glad you love the bike. That's great!

  2. You notice he didn't put not as fast as me, so now he's saying I'm slow??? We'll see Griffin, we'll see!
