Friday, April 2, 2010

Got back on the bike today

Only did about 25 minutes b/c Therese had to go to work, but it rode well and shifted fine, so I'm happy.  I'm weighing in 2 pounds more than last week, but I'm actually happy about it b/c of the weekend I had.  If only Brendan had been there at dinner like he promised to slap my hand.  Here's the weekend tally:

Thursday evening (after weigh in):  Ribs, shrimp and dogs with the Downeses.
Friday (my birthday):  Chocolates from Therese, as well as my favorite peanut butter topped brownies, birthday poker (with more brownies), and the gift of popcorn from the Simpsons.
Saturday:  Dinner at Macaroni Grill with friends.
Sunday:  Easter egg hunt at my dad's parish, with the attendant chocolate testing to make sure it's not poisoned (got to keep the kids safe!), then dinner out with family

Whew!  Then, to make things worse, All Saints said we can't use the gym for the next three weeks for basketball, which is my best workout of the week always.  So by Monday I was up 11 pounds (266) and pretty depressed.  But with me it's easy on and easy off, so from Tuesday through today I lost 9 of it.  I keep thinking that if I just had a weekend where I didn't gain any weight then maybe I'd actually lose 9 pounds that week.  Wouldn't that be something!  But then this weekend I have a birthday party Saturday, a cookout Sat night, Easter brunch Sunday and then Easter dinner in the evening.  It's hopeless!


  1. Put on your big girl panties and quit whining. It'll be a beautiful weekend so no excuse not to be on the bike or running!

  2. Wow, that's one of the fastest comments ever! Luckily, my big girl panties don't fit any more. They're too big. I do plan to play frisbee Sat morning, but Sunday looks pretty full.
