Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Very Excite

(Did anyone get the Borat reference?  No?)

So I had volunteered to be a backup on Rick's 7 on 7 over-30 soccer team, and our first game was last night.  I'm glad to report that I was in better shape than half the guys on the team, so I spent a good amount of time on the field.  Great workout, even though I was terrified of making an fool of myself.  Will said after the game that "there were some things you could have done better."  Thanks, boy.

Anyway, with some restraint this past weekend (Wow! What a concept!) and yard work yesterday in the heat and soccer, I'm already down below what I was at Thursday's weigh in.  Normally I'm about 10 pounds up on Monday, so that's a huge development for me.  I have high hopes for a new low Thursday.  But then Therese leaves for Vegas Thursday and I'm by myself all weekend without my diet guardian angel, so hopefully things don't go to heck this weekend.


  1. You rock, and don't worry, the more you gain the more I spend. Think of it that way:)

  2. Jim - keep up the great work, it is paying off. Baby steps...a pound here (lost) a pound there (lost) pretty soon you are 50 pounds lighter. Oh wait - you ARE 50 pounds lighter!

    Keep plugging away and you will challenge Greg for the leadoff spot!

  3. 4:42 a.m. Amazing. I know I've said it before, but that's REALLY early. I'm sitting here currently wondering whether I have the energy to get up at 6 tomorrow and run.

  4. LOL - the first ten emails I sent out before yours was early. This was after the coffee kicked in!
