Thursday, April 8, 2010

A good week for once!

I was 252.6 today, a new low.  Given that my unofficial high was 301, that means I'm closing in on 50 pounds.  Which blows my mind since I was looking at myself in the mirror the other day and I'm still really fat.  Someone who can drop 50 pounds and still be fat must have been REALLY fat before.  It's depressing in a way. 

The big difference between this week and most others is that I didn't blimp up over the weekend.  Even with Easter and several parties this weekend I held back as much as possible.  I also was pretty active, with Ultimate Frisbee Saturday morning and then backyard Frisbee later Saturday and Sunday.

Therese left this morning for 4 days in Vegas, so I'm alone with the kids till Sunday.  A lot of mischief can happen in that time, so I hope I stay strong.  I really want to be in the 240's for my trip in two weeks to an undisclosed mystery location, so I do have a goal.  But now that I'm so close it doesn't seem like much of a goal.  230's maybe??


  1. Congratulations!!!!! :) :) :) Keep it up - and no major foul ups while Mrs G is away!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Good job Jim! Keep it up! Great to have a short term goal coming up. I can tell you are a swing for the fences kind of guy, but research shows slow and steady is the way to go in order to keep it off. I'll give you more info on this soon! Save those big swings for softball ;)

  3. Good work Jim - especially showing restraint over Easter weekend - that's awesome. Keep up the good work!

  4. 50 lbs. that is impressive - way to go! Great job! Surprise Therese with a few less pounds when she gets back. Thenyou can gloat, because you know shes going to find them in Vegas.Stick with it. Dan F.
