Monday, April 19, 2010

This weekend did not go as well as last weekend

I'm into my 7th month of doing this now, and I still don't have much restraint.  It's depressing.  I did well not gaining much weight last weekend, but this time I was not so lucky.  It definitely seems like weight is much easier to gain than lose.  I can work hard all week and lose a pound, or let my guard down for a couple days and gain 7 or 8.  To make things worse, I'm now sick also.  Went to bed last night at 9 and didn't get up this morning until 9:30.  Oh well.  Maybe the sickness will take away my appetite or something. 


  1. Hope you feel better Jim! And yes, to true always easier to go backwards than forward. I think that applies to most of life regrettably.

  2. Looking for your latest post Jim! Hope you had a good week and are feeling better for your trip!
