Thursday, July 1, 2010

50+ pounds!!

Well, today was a milestone day.  I was 243.2 after this morning's bike/run twofer, and the 6.6 that I was down was the most since my very first week of blogging, back in September.  It also put me down 51.4 pounds since the blog started, so I feel good about that, also.  I also realized the other day that I've been doing this for 10 MONTHS now, which I truly can't believe.  I guess that puts my monthly average at 5.14 pounds, which seems like a reasonable pace.  But it hasn't been a nice, smooth, regular 5.14 per month but a series of plateaus and then drops.  Someday if I have time I'll use Excel to plot a line graph which should look pretty interesting.

The reason I'm down so much this week is b/c I've been a working man.  I took some leave Mon-Weds and spent the time pulling weeds and trimming bushes/trees and putting down mulch in 100 degree weather.  And also eating well and exercising at night.  I did start to feel it on Tuesday at hoops when after two games I had absolutely nothing in the tank and had to sit.  Normally I'm the guy wanting to run full court to get a better workout, but I was spent.  Today I did a little tri practice by riding for 12 miles and then running.  Big E, I'm not sure I'll be ready for the 14.06 b/c I was dying today.  Let's see what another week brings.

I also took some updated pictures last week and this week.  I haven't updated the slide show yet, but I'm going to soon.  I'd like to see if I can tell a difference.

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